Born : New Jersey, l944
Education. Rutgers University l962-66, B.A. ; l979-71, M.A.
One Man Exhibitions
1978 A.M, Sachs Callery
1977 A.M. Sachs Gallery
1976 Sculpture Now, Inc .
1972 Paula Cooper Gallery
1971 Paula Cooper Gallery
1971 Galerie Mikro, Berlin
Group Exhibitions
1979 "Directjons ," Hirshhorn Museum, Washington, D.C.
1979 "New Jersey Currents," Traveling Exhibition
1979 "Work and Process ," Holman Gallery, Trenton
State Colleqe, Trenton, N.J.
1978 “Camden Sculpture", Stedman Ca11ery, Rutgers Univers;ty, Camden and
Walt Whitman Internationa1 Poetry Center, Camden, N.3,
1977 Sumner Invi tationa1 , Nancy Hoffman Gallery
1977 "12 From Rutgers" , Rutgers University Art Gal lery, New 8runswick, N.J,
1976 Sculpture 76-
Greenwich Bicentennial Exhibition", Greenwich, Connecticut
1975 Group Exhibition, Sculpture Now, New York
1974 Monumenta" , Newport, Rhode Island
"Sculpture in the Park" , Paramus , New Jersey
1973 “Sculpture in the Field", Storm King Art Center, New York
1972 "Painting and Sculpture Today", Indianapolis Museum of Art
“Wall Works" , University of Rochester,
Rochester, New York
"New York 72" , Greenwich, Connecticut
1971 Invitationa1 Group Show, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas
"Twenty-six by Twenty-six" ,
Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, New York
“? Kinds Stuff?", Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo,
New York
1970 "Three Man Sculpture Croup", Paula Cooper Gallery (with Benglis and
Van Buren)
"Referendum 70
Exhibition", Paula Cooper Gallery
1969 String and Rope Show, Sidney Janis Ca11ery
Commission - 1978
Bellemead Development
Corporation, Lyndhurst, New Jersey
Hilton Kramer, The New York Times, Friday, Dec. 9, 1977
Harriot Senie, SoHo Weekly News, with photograph, Feb. 1976
Hilton Kramer, The New York Times, “Art: Sculpture Beside the Lake, June 15, 1974
Review, Arts Magazine, February, 1973
Kim Levin, Art News, Dec., 19J2, Review with photographs
David L. Shiley, The New York Times, March 3, 1971
Bruce Wolmer, Art News, Review, February, 1971
Robert Pincus-Witten, Artforum, Summer, 1970, with photograph